Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, August 21, 2023
The Author of Life, Return to Give You Life!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of August 19, 2023

The Author of Life, return to give you life!
Flee from death O men, return to your Father in Heaven. Convert now, there is no more time to lose. The sky, shortly, will darken and everything will be shrouded in darkness! The Devil will take in himself many souls, all those clueless about Me, will happen suddenly!
Beloved My creatures, it is your Father who claims you to Himself: your life is in danger; do not allow Satan to steal it from you. I am about to intervene: this dirty business of sin must end, ... I am ready! My Justice will be great.
Poor men, oh you who do not listen to Me, who still mock Me, who despise My prophets, who offend My Mother, behold I say to you in truth: your sarcasm is about to end. The Blessed Virgin will appear for a little longer, after which Hell will be unleashed on Earth.
Men of little faith,
I say to you: be converted! Your True God is calling you back to Himself: do not miss this opportunity for salvation! The time is over: the hour of Divine Justice has come. Repent O men, prostrate yourselves to Me, ask My Forgiveness with true repentance of heart. Renounce Satan, all his seductions. Receive yourselves before Jesus Crucified and beg for Mercy . There will be a civil revolution in Italy; this will bring turmoil and disaster.
My children, oh you who, with hearts quivering with love for Me, pray unceasingly for My intervention,
behold that your eyes are about to witness My Justice! Always be united with Mary, in prayer of the Holy Rosary, ... wipe away her tears!!! Help us to save souls. I bless you.
God the Father, the Almighty Yahweh.
Source: ➥